Tabled Reports
Year | Month | Request Number | English Summary | French Summary | Disposition | Number of Pages | Comments English | Comments French | Umd Num |
2025 | 2 | EA_2025_0103496 | Procurement | Approvisionnement | DP | 1 | Provided information | Informations fournies | |
2023 | 1 | EA_2023_001695 | Executive Compensation Information | Informations sur la rémunération des dirigeants | DA | 1 | None | Aucune | |
2023 | 1 | EA_2023_001691 | Employees who earn greater than $100,000 annually | Employés qui gagnent plus de 100 000 $ par année | DP | 257 | Provided information not deemed to be private | Informations fournies non considérées comme privées | |
2023 | 1 | EA_2023_001688 | Pay increase information | Augmentations de salaire | DA | 1 | None | Aucune | |
2023 | 1 | EA_2023_001682 | Bonuses and pay incentives | Primes et incitations salariales | DA | 1 | None | Aucune | |
2023 | 1 | EA_2023_000614 | Communications pertaining to specific vessel assignment in 2021. | Communications relatives à l’affectation spécifique des navires en 2021. | EX | 0 | Exemption has been challenged | L’exonération a été contestée | |
2022 | 12 | EP_2022_008585 | General requests | Demandes générales | NE | 0 | No records existed for the generic questions asked | Aucun enregistrement n’existait pour les questions génériques posées | |
2022 | 2 | 2022-007000 | Personal Information | Informations personnelles | NE | 0 | None | Aucune | |
2022 | 2 | 2022-006999 | Personal Information | Informations personnelles | NE | 0 | None | Aucune | |
2022 | 2 | 2022-006429 | Bonuses and pay incentives | Primes et incitations salariales | DP | 2 | Provided information not deemed to be private | Informations fournies non considérées comme privées | |
2022 | 2 | 2022-005694 | Executive Compensation Information | Informations sur la rémunération des dirigeants | DP | 2 | Provided information not deemed to be private. Most information available in Annual report. | Informations fournies non considérées comme privées. La plupart des informations sont disponibles dans le rapport annuel. | |
2022 | 2 | 2022-005693 | Pay reductions | Réductions de salaire | NE | 0 | None | Aucune | |
2022 | 2 | 2022-005692 | Pay increases | Augmentations de salaire | DP | 141 | Provided information not deemed to be private | Informations fournies non considérées comme privées | |
2021 | 6 | A-2021-001 | Executive Compensation Information | Informations sur la rémunération des dirigeants | EX | 0 | None | Aucune |
Data Dictionary
Column | Type | Label | Description |
year | numeric | Year | populated with the four-digit calendar year that the request was closed |
month | numeric | Month | populated with a numerical representation of the month during which the request was closed
in the range of 1-12 (representing January-December) |
request_number | text | Request Number | File number of the completed Access to Information request |
summary_en | text | English Summary | A descriptive summary of the completed Access to Information request in English |
summary_fr | text | French Summary | A descriptive summary of the completed Access to Information request in French. |
disposition | text | Disposition | The response disposition of the completed Access to Information request
Values: • DA – All Disclosed |
pages | numeric | Number of Pages | The number of pages released in response to the completed Access to Information request |
comments_en | text | Comments English | This field may be populated with additional or contextual comments in English. |
umd_number | text | ||
owner_org | text | ||
owner_org_title | text | Organization Name | Formatted as “English name | French name” |